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Between the ages of 0-12, children are faced with unique circumstances that require knowledge of what's going on in their minds and bodies. No matter what phase of childhood an individual is in, I have found that being able to meet each person where they're at is the most effective way to build trust. Once children have trust established with someone, it's easier for them to work through presenting concerns in a way that feels natural for them. 


While the adolescent years can be some of the best years of your life, they also present with some unique challenges. The adolescent years are filled with a balance of being in between. You're no longer a child, yet you're not a full adult. In addition to navigating the in-between space, your body and mind are growing and changing as well. I have found there's nothing more empowering than knowing what's going on in your body and mind because then you can actually do something about it. 


Between the ages of 18-25, you are technically considered an adult, but in reality, your brain is still developing. As a result, young adults in this age range face a unique set of challenges. Some of these challenges include figuring out career choices, building a sense of community among their peers, and learning how to navigate the adult world


As an LGBTQ+ ally, I understand that there are so many additional considerations that need to be made when it comes to treatment. As each person is on their own unique journey, I take a non-knowing stance that allows for each individual to define their life in the way that feels best for them. 


Sand is a universal tool that most people around the world are familiar with. Sand is not only relaxing when you run your hand through it, but it can also help your body feel calm, relaxed and safe. Using sandplay, clients of all ages can create an environment within the sand that allows for them to let their guard down, thus allowing them to explore and find healing in the deepest parts of your unconscious. 


Utilizing art can help one deepen their understanding of their internal process, support creative problem solving, and express emotions when words are not enough. You do not need to have "art skills" or create "good art" in order to participate in Art Therapy. No experience is necessary, only your willingness to engage in the creative process!


Throughout my educational journey, I noticed that a frequent way to cope with life's difficulties was through potentially addictive outlets. It's for that reason that I am a Licensed Addiction Counselor. Whether you have a substance use disorder or struggle with a process addiction, I would like to help you find a more positive and permanent way to cope with life's challenges. 


Trauma is a word with a lot of weight attached. When you typically think of trauma, it is associated with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, which is commonly associated with military personnel. Trauma, however, can come through a variety of direct and indirect ways. By learning how and why trauma is formed, you can then learn better ways to cope and heal from it. 


Play therapy is the most effective form of counseling children because play is the way children feel most comfortable expressing their emotions. With rich, imaginative minds, children unfold their stories and inner workings symbolically with the toys and creative mediums available to them. This process allows them to both heal and wholeheartedly embrace themselves.


While working with individuals, it's difficult not to address other systems playing a part in a person's life. The family system is a major one that comes with its own unique circumstances varying by culture, ethnicity/race, values, etc. This system is dynamic, and it can be beneficial to bring

different parts of the system into sessions in order to make effective and long lasting changes.  

© 2021 Created by Justien Evans

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